Corvette Canton Show
Saturday, Jul 26th
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
About the Event:
Join us for the Annual Corvette Show on Saturday, July 26th, 9:30 am – 3:00 pm. Rain or Shine! Show sponsored by Corvette Canton, Inc. This will be an all Corvette Participant’s Choice Car Show.
This is an NCCC Event with ALL Corvettes Welcome
Registration Fees for NCCC Members: $25
All Non-NCCC Corvette Cars, all Steel Cars, and Trucks are welcome.
Non-NCCC vehicles will be Judged.
Registration Fee for all non-NCCC entrants: $10
There will be separate awards for NCCC and non-NCCC entrants.
Dash Plaques to the first 100 cars!
50/50 drawing will be held as well.
Proceeds to benefit Corvette Canton Charities.
Please contact show promoter, Rick Swanson, if you have any questions, 330-327-5330.
Hartville MarketPlace & Flea Market
1289 Edison St. NW
Hartville, Ohio 44632
Phone: 330-877-9860